Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

employee empowerment versus bureaucratic systems in public health center (a case study research)

Employee empowerment is a process of making employees to acquire ability and competency to work so that they are able to perform their duties using maximum capacity by their own.
Task sharing is the basic raw material in the management of human resources in an organization, where a position is explained and given restrictions. This division of tasks is outlined in job descriptions. Job descriptions are a written statement explaining duties, working conditions and other aspects of a particular position 9. Job descriptions become the basis for establishing job specifications and job evaluation for officials who hold the position. Unclear job descriptions would make an employee uninformed of his duties and responsibilities; accordingly he would not be able to perform his job well. That is why job descriptions have crucial role in every organization10.

Pemberdayaan Karyawan Versus Birokrasi di Instansi pelayanan Publik

Pemberdayaan karyawan (employee empowerment) merupakan  suatu proses menjadikan karyawan memiliki daya dalam bekerja sehingga mengeluarkan kemampuannnya secara maksimal dengan dipicu ataupun inisiatif diri sendiri.